


Complete EPID dosimetry

EpiqaTM is a program that allows to convert a dosimetric image acquired by an EPID into a dose map and to compare the dose map with a reference dose distribution. It is possible to utilize Epiqa for a verification of static as well as intensity modulated fields, including RapidArc® fields.

The portal dosimetry image conversion to dose map is based on the GLAaS algorithm as described in Nicolini G. et al: GLAaS – an absolute dose calibration algorithm for an amorphous silicon portal imager. Aplications to IMRT verification. Med Phys 2006; 33: 2839-2851

Epiqa benefits

  • resolution comparable to film dosimetry
  • no phantom and no build-up needed
  • very good long term stability
  • independent of TPS
  • calibration based on data measured by user
  • independent MU calculation tool
  • supports FFF beams portal dosimetry

Download Epiqa brochure:


Last update on 05. July 2023

Hera for IMRT QA

Patient plan QA of IMRT field in treatment gantry angle. Compare dose to water calculated by Eclipse using patient plan algorithm with the dose distribution provided by Epiqa and Portal Vision.

Athena for Machine QA

Verify beam symmetry, homogeneity and energy at Dmax in water without using water phantom. Determine output factors, wedge angles and compare Eclipse calculation of open and wedged beams with the measurement.

Hermes for TPS QA

Supports quantitative analysis of 2D dose matrices calculated by Eclipse TPS. Compare Eclipse results for commissioning of new Eclipse algorithm or evaluation of new algorithms, e.g. PBC versus AAA.